
Useful Resources

  • Online Subject Access Request (What data does the bank hold about you) can be requested HERE
  • Use the Resolver online complaints portal HERE if you feel your bank has acted inappropriately.
  • Complain to the Information Commissioners Office HERE if your bank doesn’t give you the information.
  • Complain Online to the Financial Ombudsman Service HERE if you have no reply or are unhappy with the response
  • Are you on the CIFAS Register? Find out HERE
  • Find out what information SIRA hold about you HERE Find out what information National Hunter hold about you HERE
  • If your banks is refusing to release your money to you you can pursue an online Application for an Injunction at your local court HERE. There is a £322 fee for doing this.

List of Alternative Banks

After your bank account has been closed you will probably find it difficult opening another. We have created a list below of banks that are more likely to allow you to open an account – even with bad credit or a CIFAS marker against you.

The list below is ordered with the most likely to accept you at the top – and the least likely at the bottom.

Please note the range of services offered by these banks varies and some charge a monthly fee.

List of Banks that are the most likely to accept you

Business Accounts

Banks That Offer Basic Bank Accounts (Not always openly promoted)

Personal Accounts – When none of the above can help

If you wish to make a complaint below are the contact details for some of the larger banks and organisations

FOS – The Financial Ombudson Service will help if you are not happy with your bank. They can be contacted HERE

ICO – If your bank doesn’t respond to your subject access request you can complain to the information commissioners office HERE

CIFAS – Check to see if you have a CIFAS marker against you HERE

Barclays Bank – To make a complaint to Barclays Bank call.

From the UK: 0800 282 390
From abroad: +44 (0)207 116 7488

Select option 1 when you call.

Open Monday to Friday from 8am to 8pm, and Saturday from 9am to 5pm.

NatWest Bank

UK: 03457 888 444

Overseas: +44 3457 888 444

Santander – You can contact Santander on: 0800 171 2171.

7 days a week 8am – 6pm

Halifax – You can call on 0800 072 9779

24 hours a day – 7 days a week.

Co-op Bank – 01432 635719

Nationwide – UK: 0800 30 20 15
Abroad: +44 1793 65 67 89

Monday to Saturday, 8am to 8pm.
Sunday, 9am to 5pm.

HSBC03457 404 404

Lines are open from 08:00 to 20:00 every day.

Virgin Money0800 121 7365

Monday to Saturday 7am to 9pm
Sunday 10am to 5pm

Starling020 7930 4450 or email to

24/7 7 days a week

Monzo – call on 0800 802 1281 (or +44 203 872 0620 from abroad)


TSB – Call on 03459 758 758 between 7am and 11pm, 7 days a week.

To call us from outside the UK call
+44 (0)203 284 1575